1 Nov 201812 YouTube videos uploaded by these User2User-LIVE! members:Guy R Cook, Geeks on Tour, Andrew Hatchett, Prema Q, Terry Leigh Britton, AutoNetwork, Kizzume Fowler, and Michael Daniels
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 6:09:00 AM
Name of Show: The Guy R Cook Report B2B Services 20181101
Name of Host: Guy R Cook
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/7RaMo8Uj3Bw.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 10:29:00 AM
Name of Show: Chris is at Google event
Name of Host: Geeks on Tour
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/m88kBVA7NSU.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 10:40:00 AM
Name of Show: 31 Oct 2018 User2User-LIVE! Video Vault
Name of Host: Andrew Hatchett
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/t-GAiqDC6vs.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 10:55:00 AM
Name of Show: NCBL Academy for New Activist Lawyers
Name of Host: Prema Q
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/uLfrWBob7jY.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 10:55:00 AM
Name of Show: NCBL: The Black Liberation Movement Today & It's Needs
Name of Host: Prema Q
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/ko2-CoSt8LE.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 11:34:00 AM
Name of Show: Music With Words and Pictures - Episode 44 - Improvisations
Name of Host: Terry Leigh Britton's Live Musical Performances
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/_y5rWRfHVl0.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 1:59:00 PM
Name of Show: Cadillac Pedestal Edition - AutoNetwork Reports #201
Name of Host: AutoNetwork
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/h1ojY3_BCyg.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 2:45:00 PM
Name of Show: Best Detailed Walkaround 2019 Volkswagen Jetta 1.4T SE
Name of Host: AutoNetwork
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/pK2t6So-z_s.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 5:48:00 PM
Name of Show: Unedited rant regarding Islam, workplaces, gossip, and the government
Name of Host: Kizzume Fowler
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/aV4_AJWVJvQ.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 6:05:00 PM
Name of Show: Day Of Sessions
Name of Host: Michael Daniels
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/gVfJ1stzFaE.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 10:00:00 AM
Name of Show: Chris is at Google event
Name of Host: Geeks on Tour
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/m88kBVA7NSU.
Date of Event: 11/1/2018
Time: 11:33:00 PM
Name of Show: " CNN segment about internet tribalism and fake news 11/1/2018"
Name of Host: Kizzume Fowler
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/RAe4LRLCV-I.