Charlotte Pierce, Independent Publishers of New England, Peeragogy Project, The Peeragogy Handbook
You have been sent this notification because you are a member of the G+ User2User-LIVE! Community.
As you probably know, Google is shutting down the consumer side of G+ on April 2, 2019. As a consequence our community needed a new home and Discord has been chosen as our new platform.
Listed below are the dates various things will happen:
Feb. 17, 2019
The U2U Member Event Blog and the U2U Video Vault Archive on Blogger will stop being updated and all future content will be posted on the User2User Discord server. I shall continue to respond to replies and comments on older postings these blogs.
March 7, 2019
The G+ User2User-LIVE! Community will be closed to new members. I shall continue to respond in the community but all new content I post will be posted on the new User2User Discord server.
The The U2U Member Event Blog and the U2U Video Vault Archive on Blogger will be closed to future activity and remain as a Read Only Archive
April 2, 2019
The G+ User2User-LIVE! Community will cease to be accessible
If you wish to continue as a member of the User2User-LIVE! Community after April 2, 2019 please join us at: for your support.
Andy & Michael