Thursday, July 9, 2015



  1. I was there, except on the event page it opened funky. It was not a business hangout. I could not find any link that would get me in. I watched as a YouTube video, then I tried going back to the event page... I watchd from there. I never got a reminder to attend, which us strange because I have all reminders set. It was frustrating. And yes, I did watch on my PC, so it was NOT a mobile device problem. No BHO screen ever appeared

  2. Sylvia Tabor, sorry to hear you had problems. When you say 'it opened funky' can you describe it? Was it a regular HOA screen? The link should have brought you directly in. If you have any questions about what was talked about please let me know.

  3. I clicked on the link, I signed in with my Google account, the video area showed 1 minute to start of hang out, then it just started playing like I was watching a regular YOUTUBE video. No BHOA screen with participants, no comments tracker, no typical BHO screen

  4. Sylvia Tabor Very Strange! I've no explanation as I've never run into anything like that (although I have seen other strange stuff!). If it happens next week ping me - ok?

  5. To answer the question about a page. Time: 28.25
    First off you show to your audience as the page and not your profile. Second, when you record to youtube, it records to your pages youtube channel. Example that Andrew Hatchett​ gives. .. Heather Kraafter is the person but she wants to come in as Kraaft Shaak. And also she wants it to record to the kraaft shaak youtube channel
    Hope that helps

  6. Prema Q​ John Jurkiewicz​ and Bill Graham​ please see my comment to help you with the page vs profile questions

  7. At time 45:32 here you get in the green room by clicking the green button. Then tell your friends to join you and you can raise them to participants. Do not use the little man with a plus

  8. John Jurkiewicz​ at time 57:00 you would create a traditional G+ event NOT a SHOAE. Never put a video in the event. Just have the link. i suggest create a g+ post add the link for the bhoa event (when you do this it creates the pretty background) invite whatever circles you want. And ta-da!

  9. Michael Daniels Thanks so much for taking your time to watch this and offer corrections and additional insights. I truly appreciate it.
