19 May 2018
3 YouTube videos uploaded by these User2User-LIVE! members:
Craig Long, Terry Leigh Britton, and Igal Oren
Date of Event: 5/19/2018
Time: 7:00:00 AM
Name of Show: Johnny's Deep Sea Snapshots
Name of Host: Craig Long
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/8Nrw5r8EAq0
Date of Event: 5/19/2018
Time: 11:36:00 AM
Name of Show: Space Movie Soundtracks - Episode 29 - Space Improvisations
Name of Host: Terry Leigh Britton's Live Musical Performances
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/CPmQJ6uT-jI
Date of Event: 5/19/2018
Time: 11:55:00 PM
Name of Show: חמוד! ילד קטן ובריא
Name of Host: Igal Oren
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/3v94u_ztpCs
Thank you Andrew Hatchett. I haven't made a video in over a year.