29 May 2018
4 YouTube videos uploaded by these User2User-LIVE! members:
Kizzume Fowler, LowellAnn Fuglsang, Terry Leigh Britton, and Kraaft Shaak
Date of Event: 5/29/2018
Time: 2:06:00 AM
Name of Show: I neither fear nor have animosity towards Muslims in the U.S.
Name of Host: Kizzume Fowler
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/c3W8NPEPhbA
Date of Event: 5/29/2018
Time: 10:50:00 AM
Name of Show: GDPR Revisit - #BYOC20180529
Name of Host: LowellAnn Fuglsang
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/TeKqfPn1V08
Date of Event: 5/29/2018
Time: 11:37:00 AM
Name of Show: IGANBAYCDTI - Episode 29 - Rock Improvisations
Name of Host: Terry Leigh Britton's Live Musical Performances
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/RoBnaoilro4
Date of Event: 5/29/2018
Time: 1:00:00 PM
Name of Show: Painted Iris - Kraaft It LIVE!
Name of Host: Kraaft Shaak
Link to Event: https://youtu.be/dmTPsccm9L8
Hey thanks :)